MISSION Tesla’s mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. GLOBAL GREENHOUSE Climate change is reaching alarming levels – in large part due to GAS (GHG) EMISSIONS emissions from burning fossil fuels for transportation and electricity BY ECONOMIC SECTOR generation. In 2016, carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration levels Global GHG emissions are increasing permanently exceeded the 400 parts per million threshold, a level at an accelerating rate. Annual GHG emissions have approximately doubled that many climate scientists believe will have a catastrophic impact over the past 50 years to over 35 on the environment. Worse, global CO emissions are increasing at an gigatons per year. Energy use through 2 electricity and heat production (25%) accelerating rate. Annual CO2 emissions have approximately doubled and transportation (14%) together over the past 50 years to over 35 gigatons per year. The path that the drive these GHG emissions. world currently is on is unsustainable and unwise. The world cannot reduce CO emissions without addressing energy 2 generation and consumption. And the world cannot address its energy habits without directly reducing emissions in the transportation and Electricity & 25% Heat Production* power sectors. This issue is Tesla’s entire reason for existing. We are focused on creating a complete power and transportation ecosystem Agriculture, Forestry 24% from solar generation and energy storage to all-electric vehicles. & Other Land Use Industry 21% The first step in our Master Plan was to build an all-electric sports car (the Tesla Roadster) to prove that people didn’t need to compromise Transportation* 14% performance, speed or comfort to drive all-electric. From there, we Other Energy 10% designed the world’s first-ever premium all-electric sedan from the ground up, Model S, our Model X SUV, and an a!ordable vehicle for Buildings 6% the mass market, Model 3. As part of Master Plan, Part Deux, we *Tesla-related sectors introduced Tesla Semi, an all-electric truck that delivers massive savings in energy costs, performance, efficiency and reliability. 04