BUILDING A While the everyday use of Tesla products by consumers has by far the SUSTAINABLE biggest environmental impact, we also care deeply about operating FUTURE IN A our business and manufacturing our products in a sustainable way. SUSTAINABLE WAY Tesla has expanded its global manufacturing, charging, sales and service footprint rapidly in recent years. Keeping track of our various operational impacts allows us to implement efficiency improvements that simultaneously reduce our impact on the environment and lower operational costs. GREENHOUSE GAS Global CO2 levels in the atmosphere are higher than ever. It is an (GHG) INVENTORY unsustainable trend that drives Tesla’s mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. In 2017, Tesla established a baseline global carbon impact footprint across manufacturing, retail, distribution, sales, Supercharger, energy, warehouse and office facilities. For this baseline year, Tesla focused on tracking electricity and natural gas usage for our sites. Moving forward, we will continue to build out this data, which will help us set specific targets with the goal of driving down our GHG footprint on a per- product basis as we continue to grow our business. 2017 GLOBAL CARBON IMPACT Direct Emissions Indirect Emissions Emissions from sources owned Emissions that are a consequence of Tesla activities, but or controlled by Tesla occur at sources owned or controlled by other entities. SUPERCHARGER 64 NETWORK SALES, SERVICE 39 & DELIVERY ENERGY 33 OPERATIONS FACILITIES 146 THOUSAND METRIC TONS (CO2e) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 16

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