EDUCATION Near Gigafactory 2 in Bu!alo, Tesla partners with Erie Community College and local high schools for the Solar Pathways Program, which exposes students to careers in the energy sector and creates a pipeline for local jobs. To put students at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution, in 2018, we introduced Tesla START, an intensive 12-week training program designed to provide students with the skills necessary to jump start a career at a Tesla Service Center. The program is currently running in the San Jose, Los Angeles, Seattle, Charlotte, and Miami regions, where dozens of students are developing technical expertise and earning certificates through a blended approach of in-class theory, hands-on labs and self-paced learning. CORPORATE Our Board of Directors sets high standards for our employees, officers GOVERNANCE and directors, and we periodically add new, highly qualified directors to the Board, such as Larry Ellison and Kathleen Wilson-Thompson in 2018, Linda Johnson Rice and James Murdoch in 2017 and Robyn Denholm in 2014. Implicit in this philosophy is the importance of sound corporate governance to help us achieve our goals. We are committed to establishing an operating framework that exercises appropriate oversight of responsibilities at all levels throughout the company and manages its a!airs consistent with high principles of business ethics. As detailed on our Investor Relations website, we have a number of policies that set the high standards we hold ourselves to, including our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and our Corporate Governance Guidelines. IMPACT REPORT 45