Driven by Sustainability Sustainability drives us at Tesla. And not just our products—it drives our values and mission as a company. It’s at the core of Mission and Tesla Ecosystem everything we do and is what motivates us in our work. It also matters greatly to our customers, employees and shareholders. Our products and services are focused on transportation and energy production and storage—traditionally some of the biggest polluters both in the U.S. and globally. To achieve a zero-emissions future, we have implemented several programs and initiatives at our global manufacturing facilities and in the communities in which we operate. These programs provide clean energy to local schools, nonprofits and everything in between. Global U.S. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions by Economic Sector by Economic Sector Other Agriculture, Forestry & Other 12% Other Land Use 9% 3% Electricity & Building Electricity & Heat 6% Heat Production* Production* 35% 31% Building 11% Agriculture, Forestry & Other Land Use 15% Industry 12% Industry Transportation* 19% 17% Transportation* 30% *Tesla-related sectors. Source: World Resources Institute 7