Safety Improvements As our production volumes increase, our incidents per vehicle continue to drop Our main objective is to identify events with a meaningful connection to our employees’ daily work and recognize similar situations with comparable potential consequences for prevention purposes. These events can be used to evaluate, compare and continually improve management systems and programs related to worker safety and health. Although we have turned our attention away from traditional lagging metrics, we maintain historical records for comparative purposes. We continue to see reductions across all OSHA injury rates for Total Recordables (TRIR), Days Away/Restricted Time (DART) and Lost Time (LTIR), which translates to fewer injuries per 1,000 cars produced. Global Total Recordable Injuries per 1,000 Vehicles Produced 8,0 7,5 500.000 6,0 375.000 4,9 4,0 3,3 250.000 2,0 125.000 0,0 0 2018 2019 2020 Global Incident Rate/1,000 Vehicles Vehicles Produced 61

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