Reducing Carbon Footprint Even Further While emissions from the manufacturing phase can account for a relatively minor portion of lifetime vehicle emissions when Tesla Manufacturing Footprint: compared to the use phase, it is still an important part of lifecycle emissions. These are the steps that we are taking to reduce Current Actions the manufacturing GHG footprint: 4. Covering roof space with solar panels Gigafactory Nevada was designed to be covered with solar panels. To date, we have installed solar panels with a capacity of 3,200 KW. This installation will grow to about 24,000 KW—the whole roof of the current building structure—by the end of next year. This will make it the largest rooftop solar installation in the U.S. We are installing solar panels at other locations, too, such as our Fremont Factory, Lathrop factory and Gigafactory New York. Average Lifecycle Emissions in U.S. (gCO e/mi) 2 500 400 Impacted by energy- 300 efficient factories 200 100 0 Model 3 Model 3 Model 3 Model 3 Avg. Mid-Size Ridesharing Use Personal Use Ridesharing Use Personal Use Premium ICE (solar charged) (solar charged) (grid charged) (grid charged) Manufacturing Phase Use Phase 20