Community Engagement When Gigafactory Nevada was announced in 2014, Tesla committed to invest $37.5 million in K-12 Education across the state. Education Programs This investment is directed at initiatives that support the acceleration of robotics and sustainability programming within Nevada’s K-12 education system and is focused on directly supporting the development of future engineers in Nevada. Below is a snapshot of two organizations we have collaborated with. Nevada Robotics Tesla is a founding partner of Nevada Robotics, a non-profit focused on supporting the acceleration of K-12 robotics programs at every school in Nevada. Through the support of robotics organizations locally, like FIRST Nevada and VEX Robotics, after school robotics teams participating in the program in Nevada have grown from 270 to over 700, and student participation has increased by over 4,000 students annually to 6,400. Nevada Robotics has also supported robotics trainings for over 400 teachers by providing equipment, coaching stipends and externship opportunities to help empower teachers to bring this new field to life in their classrooms. Envirolution Envirolution is a Nevada based non-profit that focuses on providing teachers with valuable sustainability curriculum, classroom resources and professional development. Tesla has supported over 170 teachers from 75 schools in Nevada in launching student-driven sustainability initiatives that have led to over 8,600 MWh in energy savings. In 2019, Envirolution launched Career Quest, a field trip initiative that connects students to careers across their region. To date, over 1,500 students have participated in Career Quest at Gigafactory Nevada. 68