Corporate Governance Audit Committee Board Committees (as of June 1, 2021) The Audit Committee is responsible for, among other things, assisting the Board in providing oversight of Tesla’s accounting and financial reporting processes and the audit of its financial statements, including oversight over the integrity of these statements, the Company’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, the independent auditor’s qualifications, independence and performance, the organization and performance of the Company’s internal audit function, as well as the s e l Company’s internal accounting and financial controls, treasury and finance matters, and risk management including data e o t n r & t o e t e e e i i n g c privacy and cybersecurity. t e o e n e m a t t n t s t C t i a t Year m n i i t n i Name Function o e m e m a r m joined r n e C p m u m i m s v t m m Compensation Committee i o d Co l Co GoCo Co c No Au s The Compensation Committee is responsible for, among other things, discharging the Board’s responsibilities in administering Di and overseeing Tesla’s compensation policies, plans and benefit programs, the compensation of Tesla’s executive officers and Robyn Denholm Independent 2014 X X X X members of the Board and the administration of the Company’s employee benefit plans. Board chair Elon Musk Director and 2004 CEO Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Ira Ehrenpreis Independent 2007 X X The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for, among other things, reviewing and making director recommendations to the Board on matters concerning corporate governance, Board composition, the identification, evaluation Larry Ellison Independent 2018 and nomination of director candidates and composition of Board committees and conflicts of interest. In addition, this director Independent Committee oversees Tesla’s corporate governance practices and reviews annually the principles of corporate governance Antonio J. Gracias director 2007 X approved by the Board, including the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and Corporate Governance Guidelines, Hiromichi Mizuno Independent 2020 X to ensure that they remain relevant and are being complied with and monitored by management, recommending changes to director the Board as necessary. James Murdoch Independent 2017 X X X director Disclosure Controls Committee Kimbal Musk Director 2004 The Disclosure Controls Committee, among other things, implements, reviews and monitors Tesla’s compliance with applicable Kathleen Wilson- Independent 2018 X X X legal requirements governing the Company’s and its executive officers’ public disclosures and public statements relating to the Thompson director Company. 79