People and Culture How we measure success globally — prevention of serious injuries and fatalities Safety – Metrics We transitioned to the ASTM standard E2920-19 as our global metric in 2020 to better reflect our global presence and have an increased focus on serious injuries and illnesses. Other automakers have not yet adopted this standard, so we are benchmarking against other manufacturing and service industries. We made this change in response to studies indicating the statistical invalidity of previous metrics (Total Recordable Injury Rate [TRIR]) as measures of safety outcomes. We continue to concentrate our prevention and mitigation efforts in our highest risk areas across all lines of business and are accelerating forward with our strategies to ensure essential safeguards are in place and functioning. In 2020, COVID–19 impacted our operations including the shutdown of the Fremont Factory; therefore, we are using 2021 as our baseline year. Sadly in 2021, Tesla experienced a fatality which occurred during a vehicle test drive outside of the U.S. Extensive global actions have been implemented based on our operational learning including limiting speeds and designated test drive routes. Global Serious Injury Rate 4 3.58 3.63 3 2.60 2 1 0 * 2020 2021 Industry Average 53 *Industry Average data is taken from manufacturing/service industries submitted to ORCHSE/NSC for the years 2019 & 2020

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