Appendix Supply Chain Policies The following tables provide summaries of our responsible sourcing policies, the full text of which can be found on our Responsible Sourcing Policies page: Tesla Human Rights Policy Tesla believes the ethical treatment of all people and regard for human rights is core to our mission of a sustainable future and believe all businesses within our supply chain have a responsibility to support our mission and share our respect for human rights. We endorse and base our definition of human rights on the United Nation's Universal Declaration for Human Rights (“UDHR”). The UDHR focuses on dignity, respect, and equality, without discrimination, for all people. We are committed to upholding these rights and values throughout our value chain – including with respect to our employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, and the communities in which we operate. Health and Safety Respectful Workplace and Equal Opportunities Environmental Protection Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that their employees and Tesla recognizes the value of different backgrounds and We expect our suppliers to share our goal of recognizing contractors are provided with a safe and healthy work perspectives in our workforce, and fully promotes equal environmental protection as a key principle of a sustainable environment. opportunity for all employees, both current and prospective. future. Just as we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, national origin, disability, medical condition, military and veteran status, marital status, pregnancy or any other characteristic protected by law, regulation or ordinance, we require our suppliers to similarly respect the people in their workforces. Child Labor and Young Workers Relationship with Communities Indigenous Rights Tesla strictly follows local and national laws restricting the Tesla is dedicated to being a responsible member of the The mining industry on which Tesla relies to source many raw employment of underage workers. Regardless of local laws, no communities in which we live and operate. This goes beyond our materials that go into our products has historically had an workers at a facility or location that provides materials used in ability to create jobs and contribute to local value creation. We adverse impact on the rights of indigenous peoples and Tesla products may be under the age of 15. expect suppliers to also take every effort to continuously communities in the areas in which they operate. For all raw improve the positive aspects and reduce any negative impact of material extraction and processing used in Tesla products, we their operations on the local community, including with respect expect our mining industry suppliers to engage with legitimate to environmental, social, and other quality of life factors. representatives of indigenous communities and include the right to free and informed consent in their operations. 127

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