Appendix SASB Response Topic Accounting Metric Response Product Safety Percentage of models rated by NCAP programs with overall 5-star safety rating, by See page 81 – 90 for our discussion of vehicle safety. See page 89 for region specifics related to our 5-star safety ratings. Product Safety Number of safety-related defect complaints, percentage investigated Tesla reviews 100 percent of NHTSA VOQ complaints filed for any and all Tesla vehicles produced Number of U.S. safety recalls in 2021: 11 (1) Product Safety Number of vehicles recalled (number conducted with OTA software update*) Number of global safety recalls in 2021: 12 (2) Total units in U.S. affected by these recalls in 2021: 646,862 (11,704) Total units globally affected by recalls in 2021: 1.6m (297,266) Labor Practices Percentage of active workforce covered under collective-bargaining agreements No Tesla employees; employees of some contractors and service providers are covered by CBAs Labor Practices (1) Number of work stoppages and (2) total days idle 0 / 0 Fuel Economy & Use-phase Sales-weighted average passenger fleet fuel economy, by region See pages 59 – 63 for discussion / data Emissions Fuel Economy & Use-phase Number of (1) zero emission vehicles (ZEV), (2) hybrid vehicles, and (3) plug-in Tesla only sells zero emission vehicles. In 2021, we delivered 936,222 Emissions hybrid vehicles sold vehicles Fuel Economy & Use-phase Discussion of strategy for managing fleet fuel economy and emissions risks and See page 63 Emissions opportunities Materials Sourcing Description of the management of risks associated with the use of critical materials See supply chain section, pages 95 - 115 Materials Efficiency & Recycling Total amount of waste from manufacturing, percentage recycled See page 72 We make the best effort to recycle every battery pack we can. See page Materials Efficiency & Recycling Weight of end-of-life material recovered, percentage recycled 95 - 96 for a discussion on recycling. Tesla is still working to collect end of life data as our vehicles are relatively new in the auto market Materials Efficiency & Recycling Average recyclability of vehicles sold See page 95 – 96 for a discussion on recycling Number of vehicles manufactured 930,422 Number of vehicles sold 936,222 *OTA designation indicates how many recalls / units were able to be satisfied using over-the-air updates. When a recall is fixed with an OTA update it obviates the need for a visit by the customer to a Tesla Service Center. 125

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