Reducing Carbon Footprint Even Further Our batteries are designed to function for the entire life of the vehicle Increasing Vehicle Utilization Tesla’s battery packs are designed to outlast the vehicle. We estimate that a vehicle gets scrapped after approximately 200,000 miles of usage in the U.S. and roughly 150,000 miles in Europe. Creating a battery that could last for 1,000,000 miles (4,000 charging cycles) would dramatically reduce the emissions per mile driven for high-mileage vehicles such as taxis, delivery vans or trucks. Producing Robotaxis is a core part of our mission. All vehicles in the world combined travel trillions of miles every year. A relatively small number of vehicles, such as taxis, delivery vans, trucks and buses account for a disproportionate amount of vehicle miles and, as a result, a disproportionate amount of emissions. A single future Tesla vehicle with a million-mile battery could be utilized over five-times more than an average vehicle in the U.S. After being fully optimized, and even once it is scrapped, a battery can still be recycled and its materials used in a brand-new battery. Tesla Model S/X Battery Capacity Retention per Distance Traveled 100% 80% Standard Deviation Retention 60% 40% 20% 0% 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Distance Traveled (thousands of miles) Note: Mileage is only one factor in battery capacity retention; battery age is also a major factor. Retention figures at lower mileages above likely reflect the impact of age while higher mileage values, which come from high-utilization vehicles, likely reflect less influence from battery age. 67 Performance of newer chemistries (not yet shown here) can vary and we plan to expand disclosure once we have sufficient data.

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