Reducing Carbon Footprint Even Further 2. Covering roof space with solar panels Tesla Manufacturing Footprint: Current Actions All our new factories are designed to be covered with solar panels. As of the end of 2021, we had installed solar panels with a capacity of 21,405 kW, with the vast majority installed on the roofs of Gigafactory Nevada, Gigafactory New York and our manufacturing facilities in California. We will continue to add more capacity to these and other facilities as space allows and as is economically feasible. 3. Leveraging AI to make our factories more efficient We are leveraging six years of sensor data from Gigafactory Nevada to train an artificial intelligence (AI) program to safely control 195 interconnected HVAC units, accounting for 6MW of total electrical load. In its first full year of operation, we have measured significant load reduction compared to baseline usage. For such comparison, we look at actual energy usage for the HVAC system for the two modes under the same conditions (operations in the factory, time of year, external temperature, etc.). AI control is expected to achieve significant energy savings for Tesla as it is scaled up to control a majority share of HVAC equipment at Gigafactory Nevada as well as HVAC equipment at other Gigafactories. 65

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