Vehicle Safety Fire incidents are ~11x lower for Tesla vehicles than the average vehicle in the U.S. Fire Risk When the media reports a story about a vehicle fire, it is usually reporting on an EV fire. This is likely a result of chasing clicks, rather than the prevalence of EV-related fires compared to ICE vehicle-related fires. The reality is, when compared to Tesla vehicles, ICE vehicles catch fire at a vastly higher rate. According to the latest available data, in 2020, there were almost 173,000 vehicle fires in the U.S. alone. From 2012 to 2021, there has been approximately five Tesla vehicle fires for every billion miles traveled. By comparison, data from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and U.S. Department of Transportation show that in the U.S. there are 53 vehicle fires for every billion miles travelled. In order to provide an apt comparison to NFPA data, Tesla’s data set includes instances of vehicle fires caused by structure fires, arson and other reasons unrelated to the vehicle, which account for some of the Tesla vehicle fires over this time period. We continue to improve safety We continue to improve our battery chemistry, cell structure, battery pack structure and vehicle passive safety in order to decrease fire risk to as close to zero as possible. As Tesla’s vehicle technology continues to improve, fires will be even less likely for our EVs. Tesla has partnered with European and Australasian NCAPs to provide free mobile app-based emergency response documentation for quick access to Tesla vehicle specific models. We make detailed information available to first responders so they can safely handle those emergency situations. Number of Fire Events per Billion Miles Travelled (2012-2021) U.S. Avg Tesla 0 10 20 30 40 50 90 For the latest fire data related to our vehicles, please view our Vehicle Safety Report.

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