NOx, Particulates and Other Pollutants Pollution from burning fossil fuels leads to eight million premature deaths globally each year Environmental Research by Harvard University, in collaboration with According to recently published research in the University of Birmingham, the University of Leicester and University College London, air pollution causes over eight million premature deaths annually. That is double the previous estimate of deaths from the negative effects of fine-particle pollution and would account for one-in-five premature deaths worldwide. This is a major advantage of EVs that is often forgotten about as the overall EV debate tends to focus on greenhouse gases. EVs are not just about the future of our planet, but very much about addressing preventable deaths today. While air-quality is often categorized as a problem in developing countries, Nitrogen oxide (NO ) and other x PM2.5 particulates* cause significant issues in developed countries as well. In Europe alone, almost 800,000 people die prematurely every year due to pollution-related illnesses. EVs not only reduce the world's total carbon footprint, but also help to reduce city pollution. Fine Particulate Air Pollution in Europe (2022) 70

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