Solar + Storage Product Pairing energy storage with renewables enables cost-effective decarbonization of the grid Potential For Growth The best way to avoid blackouts is to reduce your reliance on the grid. Tesla is a one-stop shop for taking our customers off-grid by covering a large variety of their needs. In 2021, Tesla sold 4 GWh worth of energy storage products, more than 15% of the 25 GWh global market*. Some of these projects were massive deployments, including a 371 MWh installation in California and a 497 MWh installation in Victoria, Australia. In order to switch global energy usage to renewable sources, we estimate that global annual battery storage production will need to increase to ~10,000 GWh. Residential customers: Solar Roof, solar panels and Powerwall Anyone can dramatically reduce their carbon footprint by installing Solar Roof or solar panels with Powerwall. In theory, all U.S. domestic electricity needs, as well as vehicle transportation needs, could be met by sunlight alone. Naturally, installation of such a system needs to make financial sense for the customer. In Massachusetts, for example, we estimate that an average solar and storage system pays for itself with energy cost savings within approximately 10 years. As the cost of these products continues to decline, more customers will be willing to switch to solar and storage purely due to lower overall cost. Tesla Energy Storage Deployments (GWh) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 *Source: S&P Global 92

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