Battery Supply Chain Collaboration with industry initiatives #4 Collaboration with Industry Initiatives Tesla understands that many of the environmental and social issues in global EV supply chains do not concern Tesla, alone. Tesla is actively engaging in multi-stakeholder forums and industry groups to find industry-wide solutions to industry-wide questions: • Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA): Tesla joined IRMA as a Member in 2021 to support responsible mining practices and transparent and robust audit processes that emphasize community interviews. It is important to Tesla that NGOs and communities actively participate in third-party audits of mines against the IRMA Standard, as their perspectives provide greater context on mining operations and the impacts of extraction, while also increasing accountability and identifying opportunities for improvement. • Global Battery Alliance (GBA): Tesla has been involved in the GBA since 2020 and has served on the GBA Board and Battery Passport Steering Committee since 2021. Tesla’s goal as part of the GBA is to advocate for high standards for responsible battery materials sourcing, align with EU regulatory requirements, and support the development of actionable guidance related to GHG emissions data collection, recycling, and in- country environmental and social projects. • Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI): Tesla is a member of the RMI to support the RMI’s refiner audit programs and industry-wide responsible sourcing dialogue. • IFC Net Zero Roadmap Working Group: Tesla has participated in the IFC Working Group since early 2022 to provide a downstream perspective in the development of actionable guidance for mine sites to reduce carbon emissions. • Re|Source: Tesla participates in the supply chain-wide Re|Source consortium to pilot blockchain-supported traceability in the cobalt supply chain. Tesla offers insights from an OEM perspective on metrics critical to traceability efforts and works with the consortium towards the first end-to-end blockchain-enabled tracing of cobalt material starting from Tesla’s supplier in the DRC to Gigafactory Shanghai. • Fair Cobalt Alliance (FCA): Please see the previous page. 110

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