Appendix Supply Chain Policies The following tables provide summaries of our responsible sourcing policies, the full text of which can be found on our Responsible Sourcing Policies page: Tesla Supplier Code of Conduct (continued) Suppliers shall adopt or establish a management system with a scope that is related to the content of the Code of Conduct. The management system shall be designed to Management Systems ensure: (a) compliance with applicable laws, regulations and customer requirements related to the Supplier’s operations and products; (b) conformance with this Code; and (c) identification and mitigation of operational risks related to this Code. It should also facilitate continual improvement. Company Corporate social and environmental responsibility policy statements affirming Supplier’s commitment to compliance and continual improvement, endorsed by executive Commitment management, and posted in the facility in the local language. Risk Assessment and A process to identify the legal compliance, environmental, health and safety labor practice and ethics risks associated with Supplier’s operations. Determination of the relative Risk Management significance for each risk and implementation of appropriate procedural and physical controls to control the identified risks and ensure regulatory compliance. Worker Feedback, Ongoing processes, including an effective grievance mechanism, to assess workers’ understanding of and obtain feedback on or violations against practices and conditions Participation and covered by this Code and to foster continuous improvement. Workers must be given a safe environment to provide grievance and feedback without fear of reprisal or Grievance retaliation. Suppliers must periodically provide workers with information on all grievance procedures. No retaliation against workers for raising workplace concerns may be tolerated, including personal attacks, intimidation, or other threats against workers. Corrective Action A process for timely correction of deficiencies identified by internal or external assessments, inspections, investigations, and reviews. Process 131

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