Corporate Governance Human rights are core to our mission of a sustainable future Human Rights The ethical treatment of all people and regard for human rights is core to our mission of a sustainable future. We believe all businesses within our supply chain have a responsibility to share our respect for human rights. Our human rights policy is the formalization of our commitment to uphold and respect these rights and the values they represent. We endorse and base our definition of human rights on the United Nation's Universal Declaration for Human Rights (UDHR). The UDHR focuses on dignity, respect and equality, without discrimination, for all people. We are committed to upholding these rights and values throughout our value chain — including with respect to our employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers and the communities in which we operate. We require that our suppliers will also support and promote these values in their own operations and in those of their own suppliers. Addressing human rights risks is an ongoing effort, involving engagement with our value chain for potential impacts, incorporating input from external stakeholders and reviewing and updating our own policies where necessary. With this understanding, Tesla is committed to addressing any potential human rights issues both within our own operations and those of our value chain. You can see our full Human Rights policy here. 19

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