People and Culture U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) application Safety – Protecting our People accepted in GF Nevada Gigafactory Nevada became the first Tesla site to have a Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) application accepted. VPP is an OSHA program that recognizes employers in the private industry who have implemented effective safety and health management systems and maintain injury and illness rates below national Bureau of Labor Statistics averages for their respective industries. Next step will be a rigorous onsite evaluation by a team of health and safety professionals in May 2022. Security Security of our people, the planet, our property and products continues to be a core factor to enable production execution and build capacity throughout our entire organization. Our manufacturing locations have dedicated physical and technical security teams, while at our service centers and remote sites, we augment physical security with our SHIELD ambassadors. SHIELD is Tesla's Security Ambassador project that helps increase security awareness at all Tesla locations, especially those without an on-site security team. The Tesla SHIELD program is designed to educate individuals with the basic security requirements for their building, to allow them to present the issues to their site manager for resolution and be able to escalate larger issues to the Security Team for support. • 271 Security SHIELD Ambassadors registered at 176 locations across 24 countries to help support on-site security needs • 37,154 workers trained in basic security and awareness courses 50

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