INTEGRATE — TO CONNECT Diversity and inclusion is integrated into our business, recruiting and the DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION communities in which we work. Our leaders review their demographics TO THE BUSINESS AND and create business action plans in order to continue to lead an inclusive EMPLOYEES workforce. We require a diverse interview panel to reflect the diversity of our candidates, and provide our recruiting team with unconscious bias training to uncover and mitigate their biases when reviewing potential Tesla candidates. We also partner with the Public Workforce Systems, a network of U.S. federal, state and local offices that support economic expansion and development of the U.S.’s workforce, to train and recruit diverse talent. These partners include the Department of Veteran’s A!airs, Department of Social Services, Department of Labor, Department of Education and various government agencies and community resources. Tesla also has collaborative partnerships with organizations utilizing The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), an initiative that provides employment services, develops career pathways, training programs and talent pipelines. WIOA provides U.S. federal funds to eligible community- based organizations to help job seekers, workers and businesses with career services, job training and education. Our production leads reflect the diversity of the Fremont Factory, with over two-thirds identifying as Asian, Hispanic/Latino, African American or Other. Having a diverse workforce is only one piece of our impact as an organization. We know that our suppliers and those that we do business with also impact the communities that we serve. We have many diverse suppliers in our portfolio, and we require all vendors to abide by our Code and to understand our commitment to diversity. We also participate in outreach events with certified diverse suppliers to continue to broaden the range of our vendor base, such as the California Public Utilities Commission’s Small and Diverse Business Expo. IMPACT REPORT 41