ACCESS TO More than 1B people worldwide do not have access to electricity, and SUSTAINABLE many that do get their electricity from polluting sources such as coal ENERGY or fossil fuels. Tesla is bringing sustainable and a!ordable energy solutions to communities around the world. On the island of Ta’u in American Samoa, Tesla created a microgrid consisting of over 5.3K solar panels and 60 Powerpack systems, which is capable of powering 100% of the island on clean energy for 3 full days without sun. Today, Ta’u Island in American Samoa used diesel generators as their main source instead of burning almost 110K gallons of diesel per year, paying for of power for many years, leaving the rising fuel and related transportation costs and having to face negative residents vulnerable to blackouts when health impacts, nearly 900 residents of Ta’u benefit from clean, diesel supplies were low. To solve this, Tesla paired solar with Powerpacks a!ordable and reliable energy year round. to power homes, schools, the local hospital and other facilities to deliver 1.4 MW 3 days 100% 100% clean energy around the clock to the entire community. of solar generation of energy without the sun coverage of the island 12