BUILDING THE Improving occupant safety has always been key to our mission, SAFEST CARS FROM because vehicle safety is essential to mass all-electric vehicle adoption. THE GROUND UP When we set out to build our first full-sized vehicle, Model S, we positioned the battery pack and electric motors beneath the floor of the vehicle to give it an extremely low center of gravity, greatly reducing the risk of rollover while enhancing handling and performance. Today, all Tesla vehicles feature this same battery placement. MODEL 3 SPOTLIGHT Another benefit of Tesla vehicles is improved frontal impact safety The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration awarded Model 3 a due to our vehicles’ front trunk. The entire front end of the vehicle 5-star safety rating in every category becomes a superior crumple zone since there is no gasoline engine and sub- category, making it one of block. This design improves impact absorption in the event of a crash, the safest cars on the road. and the area doubles as an extra storage space. Beneath our vehicles, FRONTAL CRASH the titanium underbody shield consists of a ¼-inch ballistic grade aluminum armor plate that protects the battery pack. SIDE CRASH Based on the advanced architecture of Model S and Model X, we ROLLOVER engineered Model 3 to be the safest car built to date. In addition to its near 50/50 weight distribution, Model 3 was also designed with OVERALL RATING an extremely low polar moment of inertia, meaning its heaviest components are located closer to the car’s center of gravity. Even though Model 3 has no engine, its performance is similar to a “mid- FRONT-IMPACT engine car” due to its centered battery pack and the fact that Model PROTECTION 3’s rear motor is placed slightly in front of the rear axle rather than SIDE-IMPACT behind it. Not only does this architecture add to the overall agility PROTECTION and handling of the car, it also improves the capability of stability LOWEST control by minimizing rotational kinetic energy. After testing Model 3 ROLLOVER RISK as part of its New Car Assessment Program through a series of crash tests used to calculate the likelihood of serious bodily injury for front, side and rollover crashes, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) awarded Model 3 a perfect 5-star safety rating in every category and sub-category. IMPACT REPORT 13

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