CASE STUDY: As a manufacturing company, minimizing waste at Tesla goes beyond SPOTLIGHT ON recycling office and café consumables. Whether via reuse, recycling or FREMONT FACTORY compost, e!orts to divert material waste from ending up in a landfill or a waste-to-energy facility are found throughout all Tesla manufacturing, service and office facilities. In 2016, the Fremont Factory was certified as a “Zero Waste” facility, and was recognized for our commitment to recycling and product reuse. In 2017, the Fremont Factory diverted over 93% of waste from landfills to recycling or to a waste-to-energy facility. Our on-site recycling center allows the “commoditization” of di!erent recyclable materials. MATERIALS RECYCLING Balers enable us to generate recycling revenue from cardboard and 1.9M to turn loose films and bubble wrap into recyclable commodities. Pounds of organics sent for compost Styrofoam densifiers convert a small room’s worth of foam into a dense brick of hard plastic the size of a briefcase. This 50:1 densification 2,900 tons ratio converts a commodity we previously had to pay to get rid of Plastic recycled at Fremont in 2017, into a revenue-generating recyclable. a 9% year-over-year increase despite challenges in the global market for recycled plastics. We streamlined the recycling process for metal scraps from our stamping presses that create metal parts for Model S, Model X and Model 3 by using an online bidding platform to provide local and international The Fremont Factory was originally home to General Motors (GM) from recyclers easier access to our scrap metals. Decommissioned and 1962-82, and then GM and Toyota’s scrapped materials, such as charging equipment, motor components, partnership, New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI), from wiring, metal casings, wheel rims and more, are also recycled through 1984-2009, when the partnership this platform. This systematic categorization of scrapped materials ended. Tesla purchased the facility enables significant economic recovery for Tesla from parts otherwise in 2010 and is working to nearly double its size to almost 10M sq ft. destined for the landfill or a scrapyard. 24

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