SUPERCHARGERS Even when electric vehicles are charged in regions that derive much of their electricity from the burning of fossil fuels, the electricity production needed to charge electric vehicles is still considerably less harmful to the STATE OF TEXAS ANNUAL environment than filling up an ICE vehicle gas tank. For example, as of EMISSIONS PER VEHICLE (LBS OF C0 EQUIVALENT) July 2018, according to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels 2 Data Center, even in Texas — one of the states with the highest amount 10K of electricity coming from fossil fuels at 75% — emissions related to the 5K production of electricity used in electric vehicles are still over 22% lower than gasoline cars and almost 5% lower than plug-in hybrid vehicles. 0 In states with a much higher proportion of electricity generated from Gasoline 12K renewable energy generation, such as California, the e!ect of lower emissions from driving electric vehicles as compared to gasoline or Plug-in Hybrid 7K plug-in hybrid vehicles is far greater. The reality is that while burning Hybrid 6.5K gasoline won’t get cleaner, driving on electricity continues to get cleaner — all while delivering immediate health and environmental benefits. All Electric 5K Governments around the world are recognizing the harmful impact Tesla’s Supercharger station in of ICE vehicle emissions, with Norway, India, France and others aiming Arlington, Texas. to ban sales of ICE vehicles as soon as the next decade. As more regions adopt sustainable energy solutions, emissions related to electric vehicle charging will decrease even further. All Tesla vehicles produce significantly less CO than any gasoline-powered competitor – 2 and if an electric vehicle is powered by solar energy, essentially no CO 2 is produced at all. In the EU, where Tesla has the option to select local energy providers, over 85% of energy delivered by our Superchargers is produced by clean, low-carbon energy sources, including solar, wind and hydropower. In the future, as we continue to expand our global charging network, our goal is to strategically pair solar and battery storage at as many Supercharger stations as possible. IMPACT REPORT 23

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