Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Gender Representation in the U.S. Gender & Veteran Women represent 22% of our overall U.S. workforce and 23% of all promotions—a 5% growth from 2019. They represent 19% of Representation in the U.S. our directors and vice presidents. In 2020, nearly 25% of all U.S. hires were women. Women are historically underrepresented in the tech and automotive industries, and we recognize we have work to do in this area. We are committed to working alongside other companies to help broaden the range of opportunities for women throughout these industries. We are taking active steps to increase our outreach to women and build an inclusive culture that supports their development and retention. Increasing women’s representation at all levels, especially in leadership, is a top priority in 2021. Gender Representation Gender Representation in our U.S. Workforce in Leadership in our U.S. Workforce Female Male Female Male 22% 78% 19% 81% Veteran Representation in the U.S. Veterans represent 4% of our overall U.S. workforce. They represent 4% of our directors and vice presidents. In 2020, 3% of all U.S. hires were veterans. Our veteran population includes members from the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Navy and Marine Corps and from all modern eras of service. In 2021, we will focus heavily on connecting transitioning veterans to opportunities through on our partnership with Hiring Our Heroes and apprenticeship programs. Veteran Representation Veteran Representation in our U.S. Workforce in Leadership in our U.S. Workforce Veteran Non-Veteran Veteran Non-Veteran 4% 96% 4% 96% Data are representative of calendar year 2020, as measured on December 31, 2020. Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding or individuals who selected “decline to state” or left the category blank. 73