EVs as the Primary Vehicle Customers are using their Tesla as their main car Average Annual Miles Driven 20.000 Model S For an EV to have an impact on the environment, it must be genuinely displacing internal n e 16.000 combustion engine miles, rather than sitting in the driveway as a secondary car used for errands v i Model X r Non-Tesla EVs or short trips only. Our data show that Tesla vehicles are being driven more than average vehicles D s 12.000 in the U.S., suggesting that they are generally being used as a customer’s primary vehicle. We e l i Model Y Model 3 M fundamentally believe that you shouldn’t have to choose between price, quality, usability and l 8.000 sustainability. An EV should be the best vehicle in every way, so consumers don’t ever need to use ICE vehicles. Annua4.000 The longer the range, the higher the usage 0 0 100 200 300 400 There is a clear relationship between range, how often an EV is utilized and whether it is a Vehicle Range (EPA mi) primary-use vehicle. The more confident owners are that their EV can be used for commuting, Data tracking annual miles driven during the first three years of ownership in the U.K., collected by the errands and long road trips, the less they will feel they need to supplement their EV with an ICE RAC Foundation for non-Tesla vehicles, and data on average annual miles driven by Tesla vehicles vehicle. Surveys consistently indicate that the real or perceived lack of EV range is the key reason collected from our fleet show a clear relationship between an EV’s range and the annual mileage driven. Tesla vehicles (shown in blue) have by far the longest range and most annual miles driven. why many people do not consider replacing their ICE vehicle with an EV. 35