Autosteer lane at an off-ramp. Stay alert and Lane Changes perform visual checks to ensure that the Navigate on Autopilot changes lanes to either driving lane is safe and appropriate. prepare Model X for an upcoming off-ramp, to When you leave a controlled-access road (for increase your driving speed (not to exceed example, you exit a freeway or you enter a your set cruising speed), or to move Model X section of the navigation route that is no out of a left-most lane when you are not longer supported), Navigate on Autopilot passing other vehicles. A message displays at reverts back to Autosteer— a unique triple- the top of the map's turn-by-turn direction list tone chime sounds and the instrument panel to notify you when an upcoming lane change displays the driving lane lines in blue (instead is required to stay on your navigation route. of the single blue in front of Model X). When The line on the instrument panel shows the you exit onto an off-ramp, the instrument upcoming driving path: panel briefly displays a countdown message warning you of the distance remaining before Navigate on Autopilot reverts back to Autosteer. Note: The way Navigate on Autopilot determines navigation routes and maneuvers at freeway interchanges can be impacted by whether or not the navigation system is set up to use High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes. Therefore, ensure the Use HOV Lanes setting is appropriate for your circumstances (see Maps and Navigation on page 146). If the setting is off, Navigate on Autopilot never uses an HOV lane, regardless of time of day. If the setting is on, Navigate on Autopilot will always include the use of the HOV lane, whenever it exists. Warning: Even when Navigate on When the instrument panel displays a Autopilot deactivates at off-ramps, message asking you to confirm the lane Autosteer remains active. Always be change, pull the Autopilot stalk toward you or prepared to take appropriate actions such engage the appropriate turn signal. If you do as stopping at red lights and stop signs, not confirm the lane change within three and yielding to other road users. seconds, a chime sounds to remind you that Warning: Navigate on Autopilot may not Navigate on Autopilot requires your always attempt to exit at an off-ramp, confirmation to change lanes. even when the exit is determined by the If Require Lane Change Confirmation is turned navigation route. Always remain alert and off, Navigate on Autopilot engages the be prepared to manually steer onto the appropriate turn signal, checks for vehicles off-ramp, or make a required lane change. and objects, and when appropriate, You can cancel Navigate on Autopilot at any maneuvers Model X into the adjacent lane. time by touching the Navigate on Autopilot If Require Lane Change Confirmation is turned button on the map‡s turn-by-turn direction list on, you must pull the Autopilot stalk toward (your vehicle reverts back to Autosteer), or by you or engage the appropriate turn signal to canceling Autosteer entirely (see Canceling confirm that you want Navigate on Autopilot Autosteer on page 108). to make the lane change. If you do not confirm the lane change within three seconds, a chime sounds to remind you that Navigate on Autopilot requires your confirmation to change lanes. Note: If you ignore a route-based lane change suggestion (for example, you are driving in the left lane while approaching an off-ramp on the right side of the highway), Navigate on Autopilot will be unable to maneuver onto the Autopilot 111
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