Summary –People and Culture Topic Description Page(s) Tesla's employees are its greatest asset and critical to achieving our mission. Our People Strategy is centered on Introduction providing meaningful work, a respectful, safe, inclusive and equitable workplace, compensating our people well, 22 and making our benefits an outlier. Our employee count has grown ~70 fold over the past decade and, in just over ten years, created nearly 100,000 Attracting Employees direct jobs. Whether it is through our direct hiring opportunities, internships or workforce development 23 - 27 programs, interest in joining Tesla’s mission is at an all-time high. We had more than 3,000,000 unique applicants globally in 2021 alone. Tesla provides a highly competitive wage that meets or exceeds the wages of comparable manufacturing roles, Compensating Employees even before equity and benefits are factored in, and we want our benefits to be an outlier in the manufacturing 28 - 32 industry. We have an annual pay equity program in place, designed to assess whether similarly situated employees are paid in a similar manner after accounting for a range of variables. As Model 3 has become the best-selling premium sedan globally and our profitability (operating margin) has rose Retaining Employees to the highest in the industry, employee satisfaction has improved. This has fueled our ability to expand 33 - 34 dramatically and provide career opportunities for many strong performers. As nearly 70% of our leadership is promoted from within Tesla, our employees are surrounded by examples of successful progression. We are proud to be a majority-minority company with a large representation of employees from communities Diversity, Equity and Inclusion that have long struggled to break through the historic roadblocks to equal opportunity in the U.S. As of 35 - 41 December 31, 2020, 34% of our directors and vice presidents are people of color. This year we published our latest EEO-1 data for the first time. We strive to create an environment where people love to come to work every day. With over 100,000 Respectful Workplace employees as of March 2022, challenges arise, and we address them head on. In 2021, we re-doubled our efforts 42 - 43 to educate employees and managers that any form of discrimination must be reported. Employee engagement drives productivity, satisfaction and loyalty and plays a critical role in employee Employee Engagement retention. Tesla’s engagement initiatives strive to make employees feel informed, valued and respected, while 44 company-wide open-door policies with leaders empower employees to make their ideas heard. We are committed to providing disaster relief through product donations. Our disaster relief efforts have Disaster Relief provided 100% clean, emissions free emergency power to people in Ukraine, New Orleans after Hurricane Ida, 45 - 46 and Kentucky and Texas after sever winter storms. We also provided free supercharging to customers in countries surrounding Ukraine. Environmental, Health, Safety and In 2021, our focus remained on protecting people, the planet, our property and products. We recently deployed Security our new EHS&S system – MyEHS – in order to better collect and manage data, allowing us to make decision that 47 - 54 reduce risk. Furthermore, in 2021, our ATSM Global Serious Injury Rate remained below the industry average. 118

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