Summary –Environmental Impact Topic Description Page(s) Lifecycle Analysis of Tesla Vehicles Regardless of where they are driven (U.S., Europe or China), a Model 3 and Model Y emit far fewer greenhouse versus Average ICE gas emissions per mile than a comparable ICE. Moving the grid toward more renewables and making our 56 – 67 operations and supply chain less GHG intensive will only make this dynamic more pronounced as time goes on. We have disclosed our full Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location-based) emissions this year. We have also disclosed the GHG Emissions: Scope 1, 2, 3 amount of CO2e emitted through the use of our vehicles (part of Scope 3). The global Supercharger network and 68 – 69 home charging in California were both 100% renewable in 2021, achieved through a combination of onsite resources (for the Supercharger network only) and annual renewable matching. New research shows that fossil fuels are alone responsible for more than 8 million premature deaths annually, or NOx, Particulates and Other Pollutants almost one out of every five deaths globally, double previous estimates. Zero tailpipe emissions is a commonly 70 overlooked benefit of EVs. Tesla Semi's Impact on Emissions Tesla Semi is poised to make a large impact: in the U.S., combination trucks make up just 1.1% of the vehicle fleet 71 but account for 17.9% of annual emissions. Waste Generated per Vehicle As we continue to build new, more efficient factories our ability to limit packaging and reduce waste increases. Manufactured Waste generated per vehicle in Shanghai production is 60% less than our manufacturing in the U.S. We continue 72 to push for innovative approaches to reducing waste as we expand our global operations. Water Used per Vehicle Manufactured Water use per vehicle produced by Tesla was again below the industry average in 2021. Our new factories such as 73 - 74 Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg will set a new standard when it comes to low water use per vehicle. In 2021, Tesla delivered more than 2x as many EVs as our next closest competitor, helping drive $1.5bn in revenue Emissions Credits from selling regulatory credits. This money is being used to accelerate our production capacity deployment in 75 direct support of our mission. 119

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