In 2021, the global fleet of Tesla vehicles, energy storage and solar panels enabled our customers to avoid emitting 8.4 million metric tons of CO2e The 6.8 million metric tons of vehicle CO e savings estimate is based on the net CO e savings during the use-phase of a Tesla vehicle compared to an ICE vehicle with a real-world fuel economy of 2 2 ~24 mpg (of which 0.9 million metric tons was avoided through annual renewables matching for the global Supercharger network and home charging in California). The 1.6 million metric tons of solar + storage CO2e savings estimate is based on CO2e avoided through generation of zero-emission electricity from Tesla solar panels, including energy stored and later dispatched from our energy storage products. Geographic distribution of our deliveries (both vehicle and solar), grid mix at the country, state and province level and upstream emissions are reflected in these figures. 3

Tesla 2021 Impact Report - Page 3 Tesla 2021 Impact Report Page 2 Page 4