Vehicle Usage Freedom of travel is the reason people buy vehicles in the first place. To ensure we replace as many ICE vehicles Long-Distance Travel with EVs as possible, we have been focused on increasing the range of Tesla vehicles. While most personal vehicle journeys are relatively short, and thus drivable on a single charge, consumers do not buy cars that can meet most of their driving needs; they buy a car that meets all their driving needs. The longer the range, the lower the Supercharger use Since its introduction in 2012, we have increased the range of the Model S by over 50%: from 265 miles to 405 miles of range for the long-range version. Our focus on energy efficiency — achieving superior range from the same size battery — has allowed to us continue to increase range while keeping the battery size relatively stable. Our data shows that the longer the range of our vehicles, the less Supercharging Tesla customers do. After all, day trips of over 400 miles are quite rare. Super-fast charging: V3 Superchargers can increase range by up to 200 miles in just 15 minutes Around 300 miles of range at highway speeds is equal to roughly four hours of driving. At that stage, drivers are often likely to take a break. We want to make sure that such a break can be relatively short before continuing the journey. Our latest generation of Superchargers can recover up to 200 miles of range in just 15 minutes of charging, long enough for a quick break and snack. Substantial coverage and 99.96% reliability We’re aware that the chart showing Supercharger uptime looks silly, but that’s kind of the point. While coverage is important, uptime is essential. Few things are as frustrating as arriving to a charging station with a near- empty battery, realizing that none of the charging plugs are working. In 2021 alone, we opened 912 new Supercharger locations around the world for a total of nearly 3,500 charging locations with over 31,000 plugs. Uptime of Supercharger Sites1 100.0% 99.5% 99.0% 2018 2019 2020 2021 80 1 Uptime ofSupercharger sites reflects the averagepercentageof sites globallythat had atleast 50% dailycapacityfunctional for the year.

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